Homelessness in Savannah Social Tools

Monday, September 13, 2010

The problem is molecular.

This post is part of our new Op-Ed, Opinion & Contribute Writings effort! (e-mail us to submit your content, comment on post to respond to the opinions herein!)

Here's two cents worth of candor.

The problem is molecular. Let's examine the productivity of saving bodies and souls.

Society has spent centuries in a gold rush pushing the under-privileged into unsustainable fringes. Like nomads constantly on the move leaving the helpless behind in despair. Society in competition doesn't tolerate weakness. Many simply do not want to witness social and economic failure.

Then came a solution that originated and operated in the fringe-Christianity! Christians through their strong faith and need for Salvation, built a [sense] of importance and community for the most needy through their dedication and wealth with hospitals, shelters, missionary villages, etc. Many built sustainable communities almost out of nothing for people to rise out being poor, sick and needy. The problem and solution is as old as the Bible.

Who cares? Everyone cares. Some from the heart. Others, especially those who operate urban hotels, restaurants, shops, and airports care about nuisance and perception of social misfits.

The problem is growing and getting too big to hide and fail. So don't let it. Demonstrate solutions. But have one. Have a plan that scales and earns support through love and charity not politics.

Countless solution (models) exist for those who care to look. No need to reinvent the wheel.

More often, success is through faith and the untiring will and dedication of those who love caring for the poor, sick and homeless. For 25 years, I found a joyful way to give back by spending thanksgiving, Easter Sunday and Christmas day annually serving food at http://www.fatherjoesvillages.org/.

One of the largest national funerals in India (and the world) was held in 1997 for Mother Teresa, who as a young sister from Romania founded a simple organization that helped solve huge poverty problems in one of the poorest countries from the bedside and shelter not the pulpit and voting booth. For 45 years, she cared for all faiths and non faith. The Missionaries of Charity continued to expand, and at the time of her death it was operating 610 missions in 123 countries, including hospices and homes for people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis, soup kitchens, children's and family counseling programs, orphanages, and schools.

Good reading - "Something Beautiful for God" by Malcolm Muggeridge.

Often complexity can be reduced and new reality determined by identifying, measuring, prioritizing and scaling the problems and common denominators into efficient and effective solutions (who, what, when, where and how much capital to start). Sister Teresa was successful by not commercializing and  publicizing. She and a few like-minded souls solved social problems from the inside out. The poor country then saw the benefit and support from all over the world and the rest is history.

Who is their champion?

John Carbonell

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