Homelessness in Savannah Social Tools

What We Do

This Advocacy (Homelessness in Savannah) has expanded dramatically in the last year & seeks to fund its work on its various ministry & project efforts as well as its basic sustenance needs.

This Advocacy, led by Marvin Heery, seeks to bring hope to the hopeless through an innovative housing first model while ministering to the needs of Savannah's homeless & bringing awareness, compassion & hope to the need for ending of homelessness in our community.

Details are below describing the work that we do & if you feel led to make a Donation at this time we would greatly appreciate that by connecting to our Donations Page!

If you have any questions, concerns or issues please contact:
Marvin Heery by email or phone (912.659.0696, mobile)

Many of these efforts have their own websites, blogs & social media presences, linked to below if you desire more details or are interested in supporting any of the individual efforts specifically & on their own.
We will from time to time post specific needs as well as special project needs on our social media outlets or in blog posts to fulfill special needs that come up in our ministry of support for individuals experiencing homelessness. These needs will be ones above & beyond those filled by the various street ministries & appropriate details will be shared about the needs or special projects we undertake.  
 Please view the list of these current Special Projects & Needs below. 
We are also sharing below, at the end of this page, News Media & Press coverage we've recently received for our efforts as it is important for us to share how we are covered in the media & the stories & interview opportunities (true blessings) that we receive for our work! 

We feel led by the Lord in our efforts to take on these efforts which are running in parallel:

  1. Participate & support various street ministries in Savannah as a core volunteer
  2. Minister to & support the personal development, growth & spiritual development (with a Christian focus) of various individuals the Lord places in our path or who contact us for support
  3. Help raise awareness with various organizations, groups, students & citizens on the issue of homelessness by blogging, posting on social media linked to on Contact Us block on blog), making presentations & having individual meetings
  4. Develop volunteers & provide connections to various opportunities with this advocacy & other organizations in need of support & volunteer work thereby connecting others with their passions for serving the needs of the homeless population of Savannah - please contact us via email or via Facebook message for more details or to learn more about volunteering
  5. Stand in the gap between these ministries, the homeless populations we serve & the City, Homeless Authority [Chatham-Savannah Authority for the Homeless (CSAH)] & various other organizations addressing issues with the homeless in our community by performing various advocacy efforts to protect the interests of the homeless people of Savannah & the street ministries that support them with their basic human needs as well as work to move them out of their homelessness
  6. Develop our Housing First Savannah social entrepreneurial efforts
    • Social media connections to this effort are linked to on the above website (blog, twitter & facebook)
  7. Bring the broader faith community together & develop the interest in creating the Savannah Area Interfaith Taskforce on Ending Homelessness - Facebook page
    • Facebook Group exists as well for those who desire to connect with the others interested in this effort
  8. Provide services to other advocates in developing their own advocacy efforts through Stand Up Savannah with a Facebook Page as well

We are developing Advisory Boards for the various activities above, particularly the Housing First Savannah & Interfaith Taskforce efforts. Please communicate your interests in participating with us in the planning process either thru funding or volunteer efforts!
We seek to fund our basic operating expenses as well with monthly subscriptions or one time donations.

Please engage with us in support of these fund raising efforts on our Donations page!

Current Special Projects & Needs (as of 2/18/2013):

  • Attend the Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness Conference in Atlanta & meet with various contacts & resources that will assist our efforts in Savannah. Conference is March 28-29. We anticipate scheduling meetings before & after the conference & extending the trip to accommodate these activities. We seek support in travel & expenses for that trip. For this event will will receive a scholarship, however other travel expenses will be reimbursed & not covered up front. The extra appointments & time allocated for them need to be covered with travel expenses. Places to stay may be offered by contacts in Atlanta but car expenses & food with other travel related expenses (gas etc.) will need to be covered out of pocket.
  • Attend the National Alliance to End Homelessness Annual Conference in DC in mid-July. We anticipate that the travel & accommodations will be provided by scholarship (we will apply when the opportunity is announced). Likewise, travel expenses will be reimbursed. We anticipate driving so gas & meals will need to be covered for the trip up & back with accommodations available in Richmond VA as a stop-over point coming & going.
  • Budget for expenses conducting the business of the efforts listed above will be developed & available for review by those interested in the details of such expenses.

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