Homelessness in Savannah Social Tools

Thursday, December 22, 2011

We appreciate the coverage but...: Homeless organizations receive $3.5 million annual award | savannahnow.com

Homeless organizations receive $3.5 million annual award | savannahnow.com:

We commented over on the Savannah Morning News article linked to above & we post that comment here too for our readers to review & comment on:

This is a very hard comment to write because the double-edged sword is a tough one to ride!

That said, there is an implied "connection" to ending homelessness with just getting the same amount of funds as we got last year! It's great to say there's lots of competition! Well the need IS growing, despite other comments by the Chatham-Savannah Authority for the Homeless (CSAH) folks about "we don't need more shelters" & "we have 'enough' help for women's, children's & family homelessness".

The fact remains however, that there is no new service or innovation in our funding it seems. The same old projects are funded, well they do need to stay running that's for sure.

However, we need NEW sources of funding & innovation to end the problem HERE in Savannah! We also need measurement toward agreed upon (by the community) results that are expected for that investment in homelessness services by the Federal Government as well as the City Government.

There are solutions that have been proven in other communities to save taxpayers money & end chronic homelessness!

We need to come together, as a community to look at these solutions as well as others (like how to address housing for the homeless in particular within the newly proposed Housing Trust to City Council) & not just the CSAH organization & it's Continuum of Care (CoC) (partner) providers (a group of partners who go together to receive the funding that they essentially apply for together as one entity!) need to be engaged in the solutions we need as a community.

We have offered the political candidates an opportunity to provide position statements regarding this Housing First Model & now we are asking the community to engage & tell the politicians that it's time for we as a community, together with the CSAH, to work towards newer, innovative, productive, successful alternatives to the current approaches being undertaken.

We have a blog where we have undertaken the advocacy for ending chronic homelessness & talked about these solutions.

Now to the unfortunate connection of the announcement of this grant & the topic of Homeless Memorial Day.

It is in fact because of the discussion we raise above that we continue to have more people dying on our streets every year. That is a bold statement but it is time for those responsible for the event to disassociate themselves with a broken system that shows no innovation or direct approach to ending chronic homelessness.

A little history is important here. While it is admirable for the CSAH organization & one of their partners in the CoC (the Salvation Army) to have organized this event for the past two years, we are lost at the connection to having been given a grant that is for existing systems & programs that have not ended chronic homelessness (in any measurable ways) & show no signs of being interested in adopting a Housing First model.

Yes, in previous years there was a purely consumer (the homeless population itself) focused organization, Community Consumer Advocacy Board on Homelessness (CCABoH), an organization that provides a voice for the homeless by those who have experienced homelessness that was taking the lead in organizing the event for Homeless Memorial Day. There has been a lack of organization & focus in this group for a while now since Teri Schell had to leave the group, so we are appreciative of at least having an event but previous efforts to participate in making this event meaningful to those experiencing homelessness have been met with barriers & ineffective, unproductive communication & action on advancing the goal of previous homeless folks participating & being recognized in the event in the past two years. In fact last year we were able to promote the event on our blog & in our social networks but this year there was NO communication with us or other advocates in the community. Even a Board Member of CSAH & a fellow advocate was unaware of the plans as far back as last Sunday. So communication, planning, organization, promotion & execution have been internalized into the CoC & that is not effective, inclusive or appropriate for an organization that is supposed to be "for the homeless" however.

While I am sure that the event was respectful for the people we have lost in their homelessness, I am also sure that the majority of the representation was of people connected to the CoC & CSAH & not those who are faced with experiencing chronic homelessness & in fact those who were homeless & knew the most recent people lost this year alone.

That is not the intention of a Homeless Memorial Day event. There is much more that needs to be done in this area & the fact that it was handled this way & the fact that City leaders have been previously unaware of the solutions we are promoting for Housing First, which are national level organizations brought local into communities as they show their compassion for the people experiencing chronic homelessness, shows that the CoC & the CSAH are out of touch with the community, those experiencing chronic homelessness (who they serve without ending their pain) goes to show we need the community to engage now & provide leadership, compassion, direction, engagement & investment in the solutions that are available.

Are we not called as a community to stand up & say "No More" will we accept losing another homeless person (or allow their lives to continue to spiral so close to death)?

The homeless demographic exposed: Local Organization Plans to Feed 6,000 People For Holidays | The Coastal Source

Local Organization Plans to Feed 6,000 People For Holidays | The Coastal Source:

Watch the video here as the message is one of realities we face every day serving the homeless & watching the population grow.

The demographics have been changing since 2008 or 2009 but we are finally seeing the mainstream media recognizing it & service organizations (faith based ones at that) being sought out to talk about it now!

Congress, wake up & smell the roses. We as communities are taking care of our people but we still need you to do what it takes to make the basic solutions & some new ones more readily available!

We take care of the "Hand up" & showing people the path out of their homelessness & making their stay there as supportive & loving as possible, but what you do, Congress, can be looked at as a way for the country to "Love thy Neighbor, Love the Homeless" too!

Monday, December 19, 2011

How do we get addiction recovery to stick: Secret Santa inspires heroin addict to clean up

Just finished fixing my breakfast & the timing was perfect! Why was it perfect? Because the Lord wanted me to see this story!

It speaks volumes about how we as everyday citizens can make a difference in the addicted society we have become!

The story has made the case once again for how addictions CAN be broken! It is not about giving people all the detox they need, although that issue of availability is still front & center!

It's about how you make it stick for those who have been through "recovery" so many times before but still have that missing piece in their lives to give them the strength to keep it up this time!

You see this story, the fact that it was covered on a CBS Sunday Morning show, is indicative of the fact that we have to get the message out there! The "Higher Power" in the recovery process MUST be brought into all facets of the process!

Showing the "Love" that the Secret Santa shows in this piece is even in his words "worth it". The answer to the question is obvious once you watch the video!

So watch it here, then share your thoughts on the comments below here!

Then go out & find those "street ministries" who bring this "Love" to addicted folks all the time & support them!

But more importantly realize that we can make a difference in people's lives by the Love that we show. If we are there at the right time to show that Love then the results are in His hands. 

It's about consistency & being in people's lives or supporting those who are in their lives for that moment in the story to happen in somebody's life.

AMEN & keep the Love flowing!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

HomelessnesEkro - shares Homelessness Forum article - MUST READ! on Homeless mother with kids


quoted from HomelessnesEkro

http://t.co/HPqlPYuq Homelessness forum focuses on the problem - - story of homeless mother with kids needs reading! NOW

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Join A Place to Call Home for those in need | Observer and Eccentric Newspapers and Hometown Weeklies | hometownlife.com


Here's a great model for taking older underused, abandoned buildings (we have one in mind in Savannah!) & getting to the point proactively to get the units ready to inhabit over a period of "fund-raising" that has some unique twists! This is AWESOME! Congrats Detroit! We'll be in touch to figure out the replication of this whole model!

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Father asks his son...

From a Facebook friend - 38 year old - dad must be between 60-68 or so...
  • My Dad said that he thinks that like 90 percent of homeless people had a problem with drinking or drugs. True?


Thanks for the question xxxxx,

Not sure what the % is but yes, that's a major one - also mental health issues along with the drinking or drugs, off their meds. 

But the demographics have changed dramatically since 2008 when the housing market crashed & all that's followed on...

Not the usual suspects - why they're doing drugs & drinking is the issue - addictions usually have an underlying cause of abuse, low self esteem or bad parenting - but it's really how an individual copes with those issues too.

That's why we're heavy on the Love thing as we have found that when Love & non-judgmental attitudes are shown the confidence to address the underlying issue & deal with what got them homeless comes & the healing starts!

Hope that helps, sorry for the long winded answer!

It's all in identifying with the person that healing can start.

I would suggest if you feel like it sharing the site http://invisiblepeople.tv/ with your Dad might let him hear some of the stories - that's where the connection to the reasons occurs, when you hear real people telling their stories.

Have you seen our story anywhere?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Jesus Never Asked if the Poor Were Deserving

Something for all of us to ponder! You know it's true - we must have discernmen­t in our giving but not in our loving! We serve the needy & the greedy & the Lord takes care of the rest! Right? How do you decide to share your blessings? Are there still some criteria that should be used to make those decisions? How does He speak to you when you're deciding?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

KWAVs: Blessing Bags How To


Wonderful support approach - everybody who sees homeless people on the street remember how easy it would be to hand them one of these! Also there is a group in AK (fb: http://www.facebook.com/3Bagsin2Days) website (http://3bagsin2days.org/) that does some great work too!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Mayflower Compact & Seeking Prayer for our Mission next week in DC

We as Christians are often challenged to support the notion that our Nation was created with certain unalienable rights, "ordained by God, our creator", and we use the Constitution & Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Amendments to the Constitution, the freeing of slaves by Lincoln & a whole raft of other material to support our position.

Today, while getting my car serviced to get ready to go the NAEH Annual Conference next week where we will deal with the issues around ending homelessness, meet with Congressional delegations & otherwise work to advocate for the government of the People to invest more, sustain current levels for some programs & "Ask" for new funding for demonstration programs, I was struggling with what I would say to the delegations in Congress we are likely to meet with next Friday afternoon as we have our Capitol Hill Day (a part of the Conference every year).

I now have something to tie the reason our country was formed (the first "government" established within the Mayflower Compact) as being "undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith"!

I also have a reason to bring the spiritual (biblical) requirement to "Love our Neighbor, Love the Homeless", the mission of our Advocacy (with a faith-based approach to applying this Love to ending homelessness) into a discussion of solutions to ending homelessness.

This is groundbreaking news for ME! This is also God-sent!

You see I just happened to be in the office of a friend who works there waiting for the work to be done & talking with people as they came in & out (customers & employees) of the office. One man came in & was immediately engaging, honest in his discussions about issues that disabled his truck & as the conversation progressed (he had heard of my trip & wanted to know more) it led into various areas. 
"Religion" was discussed once it came very naturally into the talk! You see these are people of the Lord who can share & discuss humane treatment of homeless people based on the Love of the Lord, not on stereotypical comments regarding addictions for example. In fact, we talked about people who choose to be homeless. The discussion went to the fact that some of those homeless people who felt that way were in fact "there" because of their mental or addictive behavior issues. If they could break the chains of those issues in their lives they might not "want" to be homeless any more!

I probably studied about the Mayflower Compact in school at some point but certainly didn't remember it, nor have I heard it presented in any way in these discussions of God in the government!

I have had Pastors tie the formation of Israel & tying it to the Bible as a historical perspective on our allegiance to Israel in its current boundaries. I have heard Benjamin Netanyahu express eloquently his feelings about the formation of our country in a Fox News interview (with Youtube video embedded below & link to transcript below the video) when he was in our country recently as being tied to the Bible & being OF GOD. He was also talking about how he views the documents which are commonly presented to us in these discussion & memorialized in our monuments along the Potomac that he loves to walk by every time he is in our country.

So, going on to the Compact now, when doing a quick Google search from my smartphone in order to help our newfound friend refresh his memory & validate what he remembered hearing in the radio discussion he had heard while driving his truck along the roads of our country over the 4th we found this link among others from which we quote the relevant part. 

Mayflower Compact: "The Mayflower Compact reads:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620.'"

So now that we have revealed this information in context of tying God to government to advocacy we want to ask for prayer from all who read this post! Specifically, prayer that will enable God to intervene in the proceedings next week & make His will known to us who are communicating on His behalf to the lawmakers we meet with.

Please comment on this post with your prayers so others may verbalize them to God & he will hear consistent prayer from those who desire a successful interdiction. We need intercessory prayer on our behalf & seek it here.

Netanyahu Interview:

To read the full interview please check out the Attorneys Defending Israel blog post that presented the same video as above with a transcript of & commentary on this interview!

Monday, June 13, 2011

First night out of the Shelter

First night out of the shelter! Housed finally in a sort of transitional setting! But it's GR8 to finally make it out of the "system" - a steady job, income, with lots of support from those who care! #fb

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Episode of NBC's Law & Order:LA (5/28/11) deals with killing a homeless man

The story is accessible on the NBC site where we can feel free to tell NBC & a lot of folks who use Getglue.com what we think as advocates & homeless people about the story!

Here is my share of it on Facebook for our Getglue comment!

We are currently researching how NBC did their research on this script & whether they engaged any service providers or other advocates in LA to make the story as realistic as possible!

This is only the segment where the prosecutor makes his closing arguments - the whole episode should show up on Hulu.com soon we hope!

Watch it here too:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pete's Pen via LoriTruth

A MUST read for anybody anticipating or wanting to be a volunteer serving the homeless - maybe if you never even thought about it this post will mnake you want to see what it feels like to give the love of the Lord through these types of ministries to the homeless.

We have several of these opportunities in Savannah - contact us if you're interested!!

Look at our pages on Facebook: HomelessnessInSavannah GeekTheHomeless & VoxPatriainSavannah to see more about serving the homeless!!!

Check this out WSAV News 3 On Your Side WTOC-TV WJCL FOX28 The Coastal Source ...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Angels in Forsyth Park, 4/24/11 - WSAV comes out to the event!

WSAV came out to Forsyth Park Easter Sunday afternoon in response to their Twitter invitation to the event!

Raw link: http://twitter.com/#!/homelessinSavh/status/62154591722156032

Meredith Ley did her usual great job getting a story together with multiple interviews & quotes capturing the essence of the meaning of the events that were going on this special day!

We thank her immensely with one of our biggest #twitterhugs too!

Read on & watch the video that tells the story so well of ministering the the homeless through showing Love.

See the whole story about Easter Angels in Forsyth Park over on WSAV.com or watch it here:

Come out & support ministries to the homeless wherever they may be held in our community!

You're always welcome to come show your Love, be of service as the Lord would have us be.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Check out pilot in GA - Tweet from @StreetoutreachR & @AbeOudshoorn

You ask, we share some hope!

@StreetoutreachR: Why haven't we done this yet? A ten year plan to address mental health and substance use in British Columbia http://www.homelesshub.ca/Library/Healthy-minds-healthy-people-A-ten-year-plan-to-address-mental-health-and-substance-use-in-British-Columbia-50230.aspx

To answer your question, there's a newly funded project in Georgia (Savannah Coastal area) brought on out of outrage that Governor was looking at closing Savannah's unit of the Georgia Regional Hospital when forced with budget cuts!

NAMI Savannah & Georgia chapters with the community banded together & said NO. We will stand in the doors to stop the closing without somewhere for our mental health patients to go.

Read the press releases & announcements at http://namiga.org - groundbreaking design with huge corporate & state matching grants ($4.3M so far) for a two years study with revolutionary peer support & case management systems & processes.

We are very interested in this program in South Georgia as it provides hope for the most chronically mentally ill & substance abusers in Georgia.

The model created will likely be adopted across the globe we believe & extended to more of our homeless & marginally served mentally ill & relapsing substance abusers we see on the streets leading less than productive lives.

Stay tuned here for more information as we engage & report on the progress. We plan on volunteering & supporting this most important & vital research study.

Other links of interest with more info:






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Check out pilot in GA - Tweet from @StreetoutreachR & @AbeOudshoorn

You ask, we share some hope!

@StreetoutreachR: Why haven't we done this yet? A ten year plan to address mental health and substance use in British Columbia http://www.homelesshub.ca/Library/Healthy-minds-healthy-people-A-ten-year-plan-to-address-mental-health-and-substance-use-in-British-Columbia-50230.aspx

To answer your question, there's a newly funded project in Georgia (Savannah Coastal area) brought on out of outrage that Governor was looking at closing Savannah's unit of the Georgia Regional Hospital when forced with budget cuts!

NAMI Savannah & Georgia chapters with the community banded together & said NO. We will stand in the doors to stop the closing without somewhere for our mental health patients to go.

Read the press releases & announcements at http://namiga.org - groundbreaking design with huge corporate & state matching grants ($4.3M so far) for a two years study with revolutionary peer support & case management systems & processes.

We are very interested in this program in South Georgia as it provides hope for the most chronically mentally ill & substance abusers in Georgia.

The model created will likely be adopted across the globe we believe & extended to more of our homeless & marginally served mentally ill & relapsing substance abusers we see on the streets leading less than productive lives.

Stay tuned here for more information as we engage & report on the progress. We plan on volunteering & supporting this most important & vital research study.

Other links of interest with more info:






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Journalist goes homeless - Tweet from @AbeOudshoorn

@AbeOudshoorn: Journalist goes 72 hours on the streets, well written, doesn't feel exploitative or sensational, just real: http://www.jsonline.com/news/opinion/97193264.html

912.308.6113 mobile
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Monday, March 21, 2011

Christian Faith

After John the Baptist had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: 'This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.' (Mk 1:14-15) Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, but store up treasures in heaven, for where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. (Mt 6:19-21) If our hearts would love God like a son or daughter should love their father. A heart that always desires more time with their father. Joyfully knowing they are their father's delight. Then we would realize our lasting treasure is our relationship and love for God. We show our love by doing His will, having the courage and love to care for the sick, the poor, and to show His forgiveness to others. We would then be truly building God's kingdom with a profound joy.
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Testing a post to the blogs from email

This is a test...

An HIS Interest: Savannah's Global Service Design Project (Cape-abilities) | Planet Jam

Check out "Cape-abilities", see if you're Caped or want to be!

This service design is all about creating "Super (Hero) Cities" all over the globe!


The above is link to the Savannah Jam deliverable!

Click on this short link http://db.tt/Z8Qzw9f to view the pdf of the doc we submitted yesterday afternoon.

Here is the link for all the other projects from all over the world!


Feel free to Rate or comment on our submission!

Description: Have you been Caped? The Global Service Jam Savannah team created a metric-driven campaign to engage everyday individuals and communities in the development of multiple activities and service experiences for positive change across cityscapes. Individuals will be encouraged to become superheroes through campaign touchpoints, and cities will compete for the award designation of "super cities."

So figure out how to get this rolling in YOUR City or Community.

Stay tuned, Savannah just might be doing this soon! After all we created the Service Design in just 48 hours with a great group of compassionate Service Designers who let a few newbies contribute just a little bit.

Savannah has the Heart & Love to make this happen. There is already a lot of service (volunteers) & Love being shown here.

Our Advocacy (the parent for this Vox Patria effort) is pleased to see this engagement with the Technology community & looks forward to helping to bring this GSJ Savannah project to reality in our Community.

Connect with our Advocacy here:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Watch Homeless Radio's Marathon event here!

Connect with the Homelessness Marathon:
Web site - http://www.homelessnessmarathon.org/
Listen Live from February 23 at 6:00 pm CST until February 24 at 8:00 am CST - on your local radio station
View Live on Free Speech TV

The 14th Annual Homelessness Marathon is being broadcast from Kansas City, Missouri, from 6 p.m. until 8 a.m. Central Time. Our hosts on the ground are Care of Poor People, Inc. and Hope Faith Ministries. We are at the Hope Faith site at 705 Virginia Ave. in KC. Our hosts on the air are Kansas City's 100,000 watt community radio station, KKFI.

There are two call-in numbers for the Homelessness Marathon:
Anyone, housed or homeless can call 877-NOBODY-8 (877-662-6398)
If you are homeless, formerly homeless or afraid you're about to be homeless, you can also call 866-LEFT-OUT (866-533-8688)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

An example of how to help a homeless person get a job [Updated]: Homeless man w/golden radio voice in Columbus, OH (Updated-2)

Take a look at an effort to help this homeless man in Ohio get a job based on his voice talent!

Consider also the fact that this guy was seen as a panhandler initially by the reporter! We’ve been involved in several other “discussions” about panhandling around the internet & on comment threads on the SMN site for other articles they published (those threads went way awry from the content on the post) but most comments were on the negative side of panhandling.

This poses a “refreshing” view of the issue of panhandling – even if homeless people show up at various places, as Robin with GMA (ABCNEWS program) says, (paraphrased) that all homeless people have a story & we need to listen to them, engage with them where possible, to support their goals to end their homelessness, maybe even finding in them something that they don't even know how to get value from in their own myopic, in the moment, presence doing the things that help them survive in their condition.

So, as this post is attempting to point out, we have an obligation to find ways, creative ways at times, to help homeless people realize their potential! One at a time! Although sounding insurmountable, we as believers, concerned citizens or just as an obligation of being in the world, must use our own God-given talents to help where we can!

We encourage you to be inspired by these stories about Ted Williams! This could be you some day or somebody you know & love in this situation called homelessness.

Check the YouTube site for comments & recent updates on the status of efforts to help out - rumor has it that he will be on air on 1/5/11 & he will be offered a position on air at that time!

See what can happen when we reach out help someone who just needs that one chance to show their talents, in this case likely raising him up out of his homelessness!

Original taken down by copyright dispute by The Dispatch:

Watch it here:


He was offered a dream job today with the Cleveland Cavaliers & a free house! Check out the details on the NY Post article from today.

There's a story of alcohol & drug addiction recovery here too - so take note, recovery works & when people are honest they are rewarded for their recovery!

Here's his interview today (1/5/11) with CBS News Morning Show:

Full coverage on tonight's CBS NEWS coverage of the reunion with his Mother is here! All the segments of the story on on their webpage & are worth looking at!

Watch their reunion video here:

And on ABC NEWS GMA they had some great comments about his story & situation. Note specifically Robin's comments at the end of the piece about every homeless person having a story, there's a reason they are there & we need to take the time to listen to them! Others on the set commented on his sincerity. Watch here: